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Category:Terms G
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms G"
The following 358 pages are in this category, out of 358 total.
- G-region
- G-scale
- Gaign
- Gain
- Gale
- Gale warning
- Galerkin approximation
- Galerkin methods
- Galerne
- Galilei
- Gallego
- Gallium
- Gamma distribution
- Gamma ray
- Gamma-ray snow gauge
- Gap wind
- Garbin
- Garrett-munk spectrum
- Garúa
- Gas chromatography
- Gas constant
- Gas filter correlation spectroscopy
- Gas laws
- Gas thermometer
- Gas transfer
- Gas-particle distribution factor
- Gas-phase kinetics
- Gas-solid reactions
- Gate-to-gate azimuthal shear
- Gating
- Gauge height
- Gauge relation
- Gauge zero
- Gauging section
- Gauging site
- Gauss
- Gauss curve
- Gauss elimination
- Gaussian grid
- Gaussian plume models
- Gaussian process
- Gaussian wave packet
- Gca
- Gca minimums
- Gcm
- Gdd
- Gdh
- Gdps
- Geg
- Gegenschein
- Gending
- General broadcast
- General circulation
- General circulation model
- Generalized absorption coefficient
- Generalized coordinates
- Generalized hydrostatic equation
- Generalized transmission function
- Generate and test
- Generating area
- Generating cell
- Generic rule
- Genitus
- Genoa cyclone
- Genot
- Gentle breeze
- Geocentric reference system
- Geodesic grid
- Geodesy
- Geodetic satellite
- Geographic effect on winds
- Geographically possible sunshine duration
- Geoid
- Geologic age
- Geologic epoch
- Geologic era
- Geologic period
- Geologic time
- Geomagnetic coordinates
- Geomagnetic equator
- Geomagnetic latitude
- Geomagnetic meridian
- Geomagnetic pole
- Geomagnetism
- Geometric mean
- Geometric optics
- Geomorphology
- Geophysical day
- Geophysics
- Geopotential
- Geopotential field
- Geopotential height
- Geopotential meter
- Geopotential surface
- Geopotential thickness
- Geopotential topography
- Geosat
- Geosphere
- Geostationary earth radiation budget
- Geostationary lightning mapper
- Geostationary meteorological satellite
- Geostationary operational environmental satellite
- Geostationary operational meteorological satellite
- Geostationary satellite
- Geostrophic
- Geostrophic adjustment
- Geostrophic advection
- Geostrophic approximation
- Geostrophic balance
- Geostrophic coordinates
- Geostrophic current
- Geostrophic departure
- Geostrophic deviation
- Geostrophic dividers
- Geostrophic drag coefficient
- Geostrophic equilibrium
- Geostrophic flow
- Geostrophic flux
- Geostrophic momentum approximation
- Geostrophic vorticity
- Geostrophic wind
- Geostrophic wind level
- Geostrophic wind scale
- Geosynchronous satellite
- Geothermometer
- Gerb
- Gerdien aspirator
- Gerstner wave
- Gestalt
- Geyser
- Gharbi
- Gharra
- Ghibli
- Ghis
- Ghost
- Gibbs function
- Gibla
- Gibraltar outflow water
- Gigahertz
- Gill anemometer
- Glacial
- Glacial anticyclone
- Glacial drift
- Glacial epoch
- Glacial geology
- Glacial maximum
- Glacial period
- Glacial rebound
- Glacial trough
- Glaciation
- Glaciation limit
- Glacier
- Glacier flood
- Glacier flow
- Glacier front
- Glacier ice
- Glacier tongue
- Glacier wind
- Glacierization
- Glaciology
- Glare
- Glare ice
- Glass
- Glaves
- Glaze
- Glaze storm
- Glazed frost
- Glaçon
- Glide path
- Glime
- Glitter
- Glm
- Global area coverage
- Global baseline datasets
- Global circuit
- Global data processing system
- Global level of the sea surface
- Global observing system
- Global positioning system
- Global radiation
- Global telecommunications system
- Glory
- Gloss
- Glow discharge
- Gms
- Goal-directed reasoning
- Goes
- Goes high-resolution interferometer sounder
- Goes variable
- Goes-r
- Gold slide
- Goldbeater's skin hygrometer
- Golfada
- Goms
- Goniometer
- Goodness of fit
- Gorge wind
- Gosling blast
- Gowk storm
- Gps
- Grab sampling
- Gradex method
- Gradient
- Gradient current
- Gradient flow
- Gradient richardson number
- Gradient transport theory
- Gradient wind
- Gradient-based similarity theory
- Grading
- Graduation
- Grains of ice
- Gram
- Gram calorie
- Gram-mole
- Granular snow
- Granules
- Graphing board
- Grashoff number
- Grass
- Grass minimum
- Grass temperature
- Graupel
- Gravimetric hygrometry
- Gravitation
- Gravitational head
- Gravitational potential
- Gravitational potential energy
- Gravitational tide
- Gravitational water
- Gravity
- Gravity current
- Gravity flow
- Gravity wave
- Gravity wave drag
- Gravity wave drag parameterization
- Gravity wind
- Gray absorber
- Gray ice
- Graybody
- Grayscale
- Grease ice
- Great basin high
- Great circle
- Great-circle course
- Greco
- Green flash
- Green iceberg
- Green rim
- Green snow
- Green thunderstorm
- Green's function
- Green's theorem
- Greenhouse effect
- Greenhouse gas stabilization
- Greenhouse gases
- Greenland anticyclone
- Greenland ice sheet
- Greenland sea deep water
- Gregale
- Gregori wind
- Grenade sounding
- Grid
- Grid heading
- Grid length
- Grid meridians
- Grid navigation
- Grid nephoscope
- Grid telescoping
- Grid turbulence
- Gridding
- Gringorten plotting position
- Gross interception loss
- Gross primary production
- Gross-austausch
- Grosswetterlage
- Ground check
- Ground clutter
- Ground flash
- Ground flux
- Ground fog
- Ground frost
- Ground ice
- Ground inversion
- Ground layer
- Ground speed
- Ground state
- Ground streamer
- Ground swell
- Ground target
- Ground track
- Ground truth
- Ground visibility
- Ground wave
- Ground-check chamber
- Ground-controlled approach
- Ground-to-cloud discharge
- Groundhog day
- Grounding line
- Groundwater
- Groundwater basin
- Groundwater dam
- Groundwater dating
- Groundwater depletion curve
- Groundwater divide
- Groundwater flow
- Groundwater hydrology
- Groundwater level
- Groundwater mining
- Groundwater mound
- Groundwater runoff
- Groundwater station
- Groundwater storage
- Group velocity
- Grower's year
- Growing degree-day
- Growing degree-hour
- Growing season
- Growler
- Gts
- Guba
- Guiana current
- Guinea current
- Gulf of papagayo
- Gulf of tehuantepec
- Gulf stream
- Gulf stream rings
- Gulf stream system
- Gully-squall
- Gust
- Gust amplitude
- Gust decay time
- Gust duration
- Gust formation time
- Gust frequency
- Gust frequency interval
- Gust front
- Gust load
- Gust peak speed
- Gust probe
- Gust vector
- Gust-gradient distance
- Gustiness
- Gustiness components
- Gustiness factor
- Gustnado
- Gustsonde
- Guti weather
- Guttation
- Guttra
- Guxen
- Guyana current
- Guzzle
- Gvar
- Gyres
- Gyro-frequency