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Category:Terms B
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms B"
The following 437 pages are in this category, out of 437 total.
- B-display
- Babinet point
- Babinet's principle
- Back-sheared anvil
- Backdoor cold front
- Background field
- Background level
- Background pollution
- Backing
- Backing wind
- Backlash
- Backlobe
- Backpropagation
- Backscatter
- Backscattering cross section
- Backtracking
- Backward chaining
- Backward difference
- Backward scattering coefficient
- Backwash
- Backwater
- Backwater curve
- Baffin current
- Baffle
- Bagyo
- Bai
- Bai-u
- Balance
- Balance equation
- Balance meter
- Balance year
- Bali wind
- Ball lightning
- Balling
- Ballistic density
- Ballonet
- Balloon ceiling
- Balloon sounding
- Ban-gull
- Band
- Band absorption
- Band model
- Banded structure
- Bandpass filter
- Bandwidth
- Bank
- Bank storage
- Bankfull stage
- Banner cloud
- Bar
- Barat
- Barb
- Barber
- Barchan
- Bare ice
- Bare soil
- Baric topography
- Barinés
- Baroclinic
- Baroclinic atmosphere
- Baroclinic disturbance
- Baroclinic forecast
- Baroclinic instability
- Baroclinic leaf
- Baroclinic model
- Baroclinic wave
- Baroclinity
- Barogram
- Barograph
- Barometer
- Barometer cistern
- Barometer elevation
- Barometric
- Barometric characteristic
- Barometric constant
- Barometric correction table
- Barometric corrections
- Barometric hypsometry
- Barometric rate
- Barometric reduction table
- Barometric wave
- Barometry
- Baromil
- Baroswitch
- Barothermograph
- Barothermohygrograph
- Barotropic
- Barotropic atmosphere
- Barotropic disturbance
- Barotropic forecast
- Barotropic instability
- Barotropic model
- Barotropic pressure function
- Barotropic vorticity equation
- Barotropy
- Barrens
- Barrier
- Barrier iceberg
- Barrier jet
- Barrier layer
- Barrier theory
- Barye
- Basal sliding
- Base flow
- Base level of erosion
- Base line
- Base map
- Base width
- Baseflow recession curve
- Baseflow storage
- Baseline check
- Baseline monitoring
- Basic flow
- Basin
- Basin lag
- Basin outlet
- Basin recharge
- Basin response
- Basis functions
- Bathy
- Bathymeter
- Bathymetric chart
- Bathymetry
- Bathythermograph
- Bathythermograph grid
- Bathythermograph print
- Bathythermograph slide
- Baud
- Baud rate
- Bay ice
- Bay of bengal water
- Bayamo
- Bayesian Method
- Bdrf
- Beaded lightning
- Beam
- Beam filling
- Beam swinging
- Beam wind
- Beamwidth
- Bearing
- Beating
- Beaufort force
- Beaufort weather notation
- Beaufort wind scale
- Beaumont period
- Beavertail antenna
- Belat
- Bell taper
- Bellamy method
- Below minimums
- Belt of fluctuation
- Beltane-ree
- Beltrami flow
- Bemporad's formula
- Benchmark
- Benchmark station
- Benguela current
- Bent-back occlusion
- Bentu de soli
- Benzene
- Benzo-a-pyrene
- Berg
- Berg wind
- Bergeron classification
- Bergeron-findeisen process
- Bergy bit
- Bering slope current
- Bermuda high
- Bernal-fowler rules
- Bernoulli's theorem
- Besson nephoscope
- Best number
- Beta drift
- Beta effect
- Beta gyre
- Beta particle
- Beta plane
- Beta ray
- Beta spiral
- Beta-plane
- Between layers
- Bhut
- Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
- Bidirectional reflectance factor
- Bidirectional reflection function
- Biennial ice
- Biennial wind oscillation
- Bifilar electrometer
- Bihemispherical reflectance
- Billow cirrus clouds
- Billow cloud
- Billow wave
- Bimetallic strip
- Bimetallic thermometer
- Bimodal spectrum
- Binary code
- Binary cyclones
- Binomial distribution
- Bio-assay
- Biochemical oxygen demand
- Biochore
- Bioclimatograph
- Bioclimatology
- Biogenic ice nucleus
- Biogenic trace gases
- Biogeochemical cycle
- Biomass burning
- Biosphere
- Biosphere reserves
- Bipolar pattern
- Birainy climate
- Bird burst
- Birefringence
- Birkeland currents
- Bise
- Bishop wave
- Bishop's ring
- Bistatic
- Bistatic radar
- Bit
- Bit rate
- Bittern
- Bivane
- Bl
- Black blizzard
- Black fog
- Black frost
- Black ice
- Black northeaster
- Black squall
- Black storm
- Black stratus
- Black-bulb thermometer
- Blackbody
- Blackbody radiation
- Blackbody temperature
- Blackthorn winter
- Blad
- Blaze
- Blending height
- Blink
- Blinter
- Blip
- Blirty
- Blizzard
- Blocking
- Blocking oscillator
- Blood rain
- Blout
- Blowby
- Blowing dust
- Blowing sand
- Blowing snow
- Blowing spray
- Bloxam
- Blue flash
- Blue ice
- Blue jets
- Blue moon
- Blue noise
- Blue-ice area
- Bluffart
- Blunk
- Bochorno
- Bodily tides
- Body waves
- Bog
- Bogus observation
- Bogus vortex
- Bohorok
- Boil
- Boiling point
- Bolling-allerod
- Bologram
- Bolometer
- Boltzmann's constant
- Bomb cyclone
- Bond energy
- Book-end vortices
- Bora
- Bora fog
- Bora scura
- Boraccia
- Borasca
- Bordelais
- Border spring
- Bore
- Boreal
- Boreal forest
- Boreal woodland
- Boreal zone
- Boreas
- Borino
- Bornan
- Borras
- Bottle thermometer
- Bottlinger's rings
- Bottom current
- Bottom friction
- Bottom temperature
- Bottom water
- Bouguer's law
- Bouguer-lambert law
- Boulbie
- Boundary conditions
- Boundary layer
- Boundary layer radar
- Boundary layer separation
- Boundary mixing
- Boundary of saturation
- Boundary-value problem
- Bounded weak echo region
- Bourdon tube
- Boussinesq approximation
- Boussinesq equation
- Boussinesq number
- Bow echo
- Bowen ratio
- Box models
- Boyden index
- Boyle's law
- Boys camera
- Bpi pan
- Brackish water
- Bragg scattering
- Brash
- Brave west winds
- Brazil current
- Brdf
- Breadth-first search
- Break
- Breakdown
- Breakdown field
- Breaker
- Breaker depth
- Breaking-drop theory
- Breaks in overcast
- Breakthrough curve
- Breakup
- Breakup season
- Breakwater
- Bred modes
- Bred vectors
- Breeding method
- Breeze
- Bremsstrahlung
- Brenner
- Breva
- Brewer–Dobson circulation
- Brewster point
- Brickfielder
- Bridled-cup anemometer
- Briefing
- Brier score
- Bright band
- Bright segment
- Bright sunshine
- Brightness temperature
- Brine
- Brine slush
- Brisa
- Brisote
- British thermal unit
- Broad-crested weir
- Broadband radiation
- Brocken spectre
- Broeboe
- Broken
- Bromine compounds
- Brontides
- Brontometer
- Brown cloud
- Brown snow
- Brownian motion
- Brownian rotation
- Brubu
- Brughierous
- Bruma
- Bryochore
- Brückner cycle
- Brüscha
- Bt
- Bubble bursting
- Bubble gauge
- Bubble high
- Bubble nucleus
- Bubbles
- Bubbly ice
- Bucket temperature
- Bucket thermometer
- Buckingham pi theory
- Budget year
- Budgets of atmospheric species
- Buffer factor
- Buildup index
- Bulk average
- Bulk heat flux
- Bulk method
- Bulk mixed layer model
- Bulk modulus
- Bulk stable boundary layer growth
- Bulk transfer coefficient
- Bulk transfer law
- Bulk turbulence scale
- Bull's eye squall
- Bummock
- Bumpiness
- Buoy
- Buoyancy
- Buoyancy flux
- Buoyancy force
- Buoyancy frequency
- Buoyancy length scale
- Buoyancy subrange
- Buoyancy velocity
- Buoyancy wave
- Buoyancy wavenumber
- Buoyant instability
- Buoyant subrange
- Buran
- Burga
- Burger number
- Burger's vortex
- Buria
- Burn off
- Burning index
- Burraxka silch
- Burster
- Bush
- Business as usual
- Businger-dyer relationship
- Butadiene
- Buys ballot's law
- Bwer
- Bénard cell