Microthermal climate
From Glossary of Meteorology
microthermal climate
A type of climate characterized by low annual mean temperatures (between 0° and 14°C), that is, a region of genuine winter emphasized by the usual snow mantle, and a true, although many times short, summer to produce a characteristic annual climate cycle.
This is a (D) climate under the Köppen classification (1931) and, as defined by Thornthwaite's climatic classification scheme (1948), this is a climate with annual potential evapotranspiration between 14 and 43 cm.
Compare megathermal climate, mesothermal climate.
Compare megathermal climate, mesothermal climate.
Trewartha, G. T. 1954. Introduction to Climate. 3d ed., McGraw–Hill, . 324–357.
Köppen, W. 1931. Grundriss der Klimakunde. Walter die Gruyter Co., Berlin.
Thornthwaite, C. W. 1948. An approach toward a rational classification of climate. Geographical Review. 38. 55–94.