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Category:Terms D
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms D"
The following 499 pages are in this category, out of 499 total.
- D'alembert's paradox
- D-analysis
- D-region
- D-value
- Dadur
- Daily forecast
- Daily maximum temperature
- Daily mean
- Daily minimum temperature
- Daily range of temperature
- Daily storage
- Dalton's law
- Damming
- Damp haze
- Damped wave
- Damping
- Dancing devil
- Dangerous semicircle
- Dansgaard-oeschger events
- Darcian velocity
- Darcy's law
- Dark
- Dark adaptation
- Dark lightning
- Dark segment
- Darling shower
- Dart leader
- Data acquisition system
- Data assimilation
- Data collection platform
- Data collection system
- Data directory
- Data logger
- Data window
- Dataset
- Dataset catalog
- Dataset directory
- Datum
- Datum level
- Davidson current
- Davies number
- Dawn
- Day
- Days with snow cover
- Dbz
- Dcape
- Dcs
- Dcvz
- Dda
- De-briefing
- De-icing
- De-saint venant equation
- Deacon wind profile parameter
- Dead glacier
- Dead water
- Dealiasing
- Deardorff velocity
- Deasil
- Debacle
- Decay
- Decay area
- Decay distance
- Decibar
- Decibel
- Decile
- Decision tree
- Declination
- Deconvolution
- Decoupling
- Deduction
- Deep percolation
- Deep sound channel
- Deep water
- Deep well
- Deep-water wave
- Deepening
- Deepening of a depression
- Defense meteorological satellite program
- Definitive geomagnetic reference field
- Deflation
- Deflecting force
- Deformation
- Deformation axis
- Deformation thermometer
- Deformation zone
- Deformation zone cloud system
- Deformed ice
- Degenerate amphidrome
- Deglaciation
- Degradation
- Degree
- Degree of polarization
- Degree of saturation
- Degree-day
- Degree-hour
- Degrees of freedom
- Degrees of frost
- Deicer
- Del operator
- Delay
- Deliquescence
- Delta eddington
- Delta region
- Delta rule
- Dendritic crystal
- Dendrochore
- Dendrochronology
- Dendrohydrology
- Denitrification
- Density
- Density altitude
- Density channel
- Density correction
- Density current
- Density function
- Density of snow
- Density-weighted mean wind
- Denudation
- Denver convergence-vorticity zone
- Denver cyclone
- Depegram
- Dependent meteorological office
- Dependent variable
- Depergelation
- Depletion curve
- Depolarization
- Depolarization ratio
- Deposit gauge
- Deposition
- Deposition nucleus
- Deposition velocity
- Depression
- Depression angle
- Depression storage
- Depth hoar
- Depth marker
- Depth of compensation
- Depth of frictional influence
- Depth of runoff
- Depth of snow
- Depth-area curve
- Depth-area-duration analysis
- Depth-area-duration curves
- Depth-duration curve
- Depth-duration-area value
- Depth-duration-frequency curve
- Depth-first search
- Depth-integration sediment sampling
- Depth-velocity integration method
- Depéq
- Derecho
- Derf
- Derived gust velocity
- Descartes ray
- Descendent
- Descending node
- Descriptive meteorology
- Desert
- Desert climate
- Desert wind
- Desertification
- Desiccation
- Design flood
- Design storm
- Design wave
- Designated pollutant
- Desulfurization
- Detection
- Detention storage
- Deterministic
- Deterministic hydrology
- Detrainment
- Detrend
- Deuterium
- Deuteron
- Development
- Deviation
- Devil
- Dew
- Dew cell
- Dew gauge
- Dewbow
- Dewpoint
- Dewpoint depression
- Dewpoint formula
- Dewpoint hygrometer
- Dgrf
- Diabatic process
- Diagnostic equation
- Dial thermometer
- Diamond dust
- Diapycnal
- Diapycnal mixing
- Dichroism
- Diel
- Dielectric
- Dielectric factor
- Dielectric strength
- Differential (scattering) cross section
- Differential absorption hygrometer
- Differential absorption lidar thermometer
- Differential analysis
- Differential attenuation
- Differential backscattering cross section
- Differential ballistic wind
- Differential chart
- Differential kinematics
- Differential mobility analyzer
- Differential optical absorption
- Differential phase shift
- Differential reflectivity
- Differential thermal advection
- Differential water capacity
- Differential wind
- Diffluence
- Diffluent thermal ridge
- Diffluent thermal trough
- Diffraction
- Diffraction pattern
- Diffraction peak
- Diffraction phenomenon
- Diffuse front
- Diffuse light
- Diffuse radiation
- Diffuse reflection
- Diffuse reflector
- Diffuse sky radiation
- Diffuse solar radiation
- Diffusion
- Diffusion coefficient
- Diffusion denuder technique
- Diffusion hygrometer
- Diffusion model
- Diffusion velocity
- Diffusive convection
- Diffusive equilibrium
- Diffusivity
- Digging trough
- Digital
- Digital filter
- Dimensional analysis
- Dimensionless group
- Dimethyl disulfide
- Dimethyl sulfide
- Dimethyl sulfoxide
- Dimmerfoehn
- Dines anemometer
- Dines compensation
- Dines radiometer
- Dinitrogen pentoxide
- Diode laser
- Dioxane (-1, 4)
- Dip circle
- Dip of the horizon
- Dip pole
- Dipole
- Dipole antenna
- Dipole moment
- Direct cell
- Direct flow
- Direct interaction approximation
- Direct numerical simulation
- Direct route
- Direct runoff
- Direct solar radiation
- Direct tide
- Direct-vision nephoscope
- Direction finder
- Directional distribution
- Directional hydraulic conductivity
- Directional-hemispherical reflectance
- Directivity
- Discharge
- Discharge area
- Discharge coefficient
- Discharge section line
- Discontinuity
- Discontinuous turbulence
- Discrete spectrum
- Discretization
- Discriminant analysis
- Disdrometer
- Dish
- Dishpan experiments
- Disjunct eddy covariance
- Disk hardness gauge
- Dispersion
- Dispersion coefficient
- Dispersion diagram
- Dispersion equation
- Dispersion relation
- Dispersion relationship
- Dispersive flux
- Dispersive medium
- Dispersivity
- Display
- Dissipation
- Dissipation constant
- Dissipation length scale
- Dissipation rate
- Dissipation trail
- Dissociation
- Distortion
- Distributed target
- Distribution
- Distribution coefficient
- Distribution function
- Distribution graph
- District forecast
- Disturbance
- Disturbed soil sample
- Diurnal
- Diurnal cooling
- Diurnal heating
- Diurnal inequality
- Diurnal tide
- Diurnal vertical migration
- Divergence
- Divergence equation
- Divergence line
- Divergence signature
- Divergence theorem
- Divergence theory of cyclones
- Diversion of water
- Divide
- Dividing streamline
- Dmo
- Dmsp
- Dobson spectrophotometer
- Dobson unit
- Doctor
- Dog days
- Doister
- Doldrums
- Domain
- Domain expert
- Domain knowledge
- Doppler broadening
- Doppler effect
- Doppler error
- Doppler frequency shift
- Doppler lidar
- Doppler radar
- Doppler sodar
- Doppler spectral broadening
- Doppler spectral moments
- Doppler spectrum
- Doppler spread
- Doppler velocity
- Dosimeter
- Double correlation
- Double diffusive convection
- Double layer
- Double refraction
- Double tide
- Double-mass analysis
- Double-mass curve
- Double-theodolite observation
- Doubly stochastic matrix
- Down-gradient diffusion
- Down-gradient transport
- Downburst
- Downdraft
- Downdraft convective available potential energy
- Downrush
- Downslope wind
- Downslope windstorm
- Downstream
- Downvalley wind
- Downward terrestrial radiation
- Downward total radiation
- Downwash
- Downwelling
- Downwind
- Draft
- Drag
- Drag anemometer
- Drag coefficient
- Drag law
- Drag sphere anemometer
- Dragon
- Drain
- Drainage area
- Drainage basin
- Drainage density
- Drainage divide
- Drainage well
- Drainage wind
- Drawdown
- Drawdown curve
- Drawoff
- Dreikanter
- Dried ice
- Drift
- Drift bottle
- Drift card
- Drift current
- Drift ice
- Drift station
- Drift-correction angle
- Drifter
- Drifting buoy
- Drifting dust
- Drifting sand
- Drifting snow
- Driller's log
- Drip
- Driven snow
- Driving-rain index
- Drizzle
- Drizzle drop
- Drogue
- Drop
- Drop breakup
- Drop-size distribution
- Drop-size spectrometer
- Droplet
- Dropsonde
- Dropsonde observation
- Drosometer
- Drought
- Drought index
- Droxtal
- Dry adiabat
- Dry air
- Dry climate
- Dry convection
- Dry deposition
- Dry fog
- Dry freeze
- Dry growth
- Dry haze
- Dry ice
- Dry permafrost
- Dry season
- Dry snow
- Dry spell
- Dry stage
- Dry static energy
- Dry tongue
- Dry year
- Dry-adiabatic process
- Dry-bulb temperature
- Dry-bulb thermometer
- Dryline
- Dryth
- Dual-channel radar
- Dual-doppler analysis
- Dual-polarization radar
- Dual-wavelength radar
- Duct
- Duff
- Duplexer
- Duplicatus
- Dupuit-forchheimer assumptions
- Duration
- Duration curve
- Duration statistics
- Dusk
- Dust
- Dust avalanche
- Dust bowl
- Dust counter
- Dust devil
- Dust electrification
- Dust horizon
- Dust wall
- Dust well
- Dust whirl
- Dust-devil effect
- Dustfall jars
- Duststorm
- Duty of water
- Dvorak technique
- Dwigh
- Dye laser
- Dynamic boundary condition
- Dynamic climatology
- Dynamic flux
- Dynamic height
- Dynamic initialization
- Dynamic instability
- Dynamic meteorology
- Dynamic meter
- Dynamic oceanography
- Dynamic pipe effect
- Dynamic pressure
- Dynamic range
- Dynamic similarity
- Dynamic stability
- Dynamic viscosity
- Dynamic-height anomaly
- Dynamical extended range forecasting
- Dynamical sublayer
- Dynamical system
- Dynamo theory
- Dyne
- Düsenwind